The empty space in your mouth starts to cause many problems including decay and periodontal disease, an unbalanced bite, and stress on the remaining teeth.
Floss can shred if the contact between the teeth is tight or there is a rough or broken surface between the teeth.
A crown is needed on a tooth when the tooth is weakened by either decay, a fracture or a very large restoration.
By using modern implant techniques even patients who have low sinus cavities or a reduced level of bone density are now able to have dental implants. We provide sinus lifts and bone reconstruction to patients who have these issues, and we use advanced techniques such as CT scans and Guided Surgery to prevent the requirement for complicated surgical treatment, by providing us with the opportunity to place dental implants in the best possible position, avoiding nerve canals and sinus cavities. Many patients have stated that even on the day following surgery, they are not able to feel the dental implant is there. The level of discomfort experienced should be no more than having a tooth extraction, and we provide patients with medications just in case they experience any discomfort immediately following the implant placement. A temporary crown will be provided to take care of aesthetic appearance.
Teeth erupt at different times in all individuals. Your child’s tooth should erupt eventually unless your dentist tells you that there is no replacement permanent tooth.
Place the tooth in cool milk or if the child is old enough, under the child’s tongue. Be real careful not to swallow the tooth and get to the dentist within 30 minutes so it can be reimplanted.
A small percentage of dental implants are rejected by the body’s natural immune system. Studies have shown the average implant rejection rate worldwide to be 4%. The implant rejection percentage at our clinic is less than 0.3%. In the event of an implant being rejected by the patient’s immune system there are a number of clinical remedies which can be
Normally when all the teeth are lost then with dental implants you can have the comfort of natural teeth. Dental implants are threaded screw made of TITANIUM which are placed in the jaw bone and they serve the purpose Of natural teeth and then taking support of them we prepare the full mouth ceramic bride on top of them. Implants are available from many different companies .We are using dental implants from NOBEL BIOCARE co. Which is an U S based co with and with F D A approved implants and are considered to be one of the best .
Normally we need to place 8 implants for upper as well as 8 implants for the lower jaw, Then later on we prepare 14 unit ceramic bridge for each upper and lower jaw Implant are placed under the effect of local anesthesia and normally it takes 2 hrs to place implants for the Lower jaw and then later on after a gap of roughly one week we can do the same procedure for the upper jaw . Normally we suggest to wait for 4 to 5 months before we go for the final teeth , so that is possible when you come for the second visit , and at that time you need to stay for 15 days.
We can give you temporary removable denture for next few months so that you are not without teeth for long time.
RCT is a method of saving a tooth by cleaning out a damaged nerve and filling in the resulting chamber.